Monday, April 13, 2009

The Masters- It Really Is Special

It must be because it is the official sign of spring or maybe the Dogwoods. It is just like the CBS advertisement. It's unlike any other.

The US Open and The Open in England are Majors. They play different courses every year. I have seen the Masters so many times that they can show a shot from the tee and I can tell you which hole it is.

The people of Augusta National add to the lure of the Masters by stating they don't care about advertising dollars from TV and let you watch 56 minutes of every hour of golf. There is no Thursday and Friday all day coverage like others. Even TV starts only at 3.00pm on Saturdays and Sundays.

There is nothing like sitting back on a Sunday afternoon and watching the Masters. The moment the TV came on the air Tiger Woods and Phil Michelson dominated the TV while the leaders plodded along in TV obscurity never giving up the lead while Woods and Michelson played.

Those of you who are too young to remember but TV has always followed the great ones regardless of where they were on the leader board.

Arnold Palmer is the reason golf is on TV today because of his charisma back in the late 50's when golf first appeared on TV. His always try to make every shot was perfect for TV. By the late 60's Jack Nicklaus was the best and TV followed every shot whether he was one back or ten which always made me mad because I wanted to watch Arnold.

You know when Arnold turned fifty there was no senior tour. But Arnold was such fan favorite that they created a senior event in which they played best ball on teams. It was such a hit that the senior tour was born.

Yesterday was a CBS dream until Tiger finally acted mortal and Phil finally realized he can't putt a lick.

It didn't matter to me that the last two and a half hours were without Tiger.

I have never been to Augusta but I know I would be shaking in my shoes on the 12th tee. My second or third shot into 13 or 15. Augusta is set up almost on every hole with reward versus disaster. If you go for it and miss you pay a dear price.

I had no favorite player yesterday but I pulled for the old guy Kenny Perry. I like Chad Campbell and it sure was fun watching Angel Cabarrea knock it behind trees and make par.

When I no longer have life on this earth. Heaven will be sitting in a recliner watching the Masters.

It's unlike any other.