Thursday, November 24, 2011

Time To Give Thanks

It is believed that the Spanish that explored  the new world in 1500's took time to give thanks for the things that they had.  The first written documentation that a Thanksgiving  was held in the English Colonies was in 1609 in Jamestown Virginia.  The Pilgrim's celebrated for the first time  in 1621.  They were so thankful for what they had the celebration lasted three days.

Right in the middle of the worse conflict on American soil Abraham Lincoln signed a law in 1863 making the Fourth Thursday in November a day of celebration for what we had.  It is hard to think that during the Civil War that there was any thing to celebrate.

Despite what you might think Thanksgiving is a Religious Holiday.  It is a time to be thankful for what we have been given to survive in this world.  We are a country of I did it, look what I have done.  We are losing  the idea of being  thankful because every day our world inches ever closer to be a world  of no Thankfulness.

We have endured the last few years one of the toughest economic times the world has ever seen.  We have become a country of "You owe me".  The U S Government tells us that the poverty line has gone up.  If we look at poverty today there are not many who don't have cable TV.  There are not many that don't have a cell phone.Both cable and cell phones are luxuries.  We have lost site in this country of what is a necessity over what we want for ourselves.

We live in such luxury  that we have no idea what those people in Jamestown and Plymouth endured. There are those serving our country all over the world  that will not be home today because they are preserving  our life style  in order that we may have a day of Thanksgiving.

Take a moment today to be thankful.  Our world of full bellies and football on TV is a gift.  We all need to be Thankful.