Thursday, August 13, 2015

The Modern World Of Manhood

They say that boy when I grew up that sure was the good old days.  My Granddad use to tell the story about walking to school three miles up hill both ways. Those were the good old days.  There was a time  when a handshake was a contract because your word was your bond.

This week the New York Jets quarterback Geno Smith apparently pointed his finger into the face of another Jets player who claimed Smith needed to pay back to him an  airplane ticket and one night's lodging when Smith failed to show for a football camp benefit that Smith promised to be there.  Assuming the claim is correct not only did Smith not meet a promise made but he didn't even to call to explain why he was a no show.

Now here Smith is the struggling quarterback of the Jets with a new coach in town and he has no guarantee that he will be the starter so what does he do but threaten the 6th round draft pick with what can you do about it so what.  Now that Smith is out six to ten weeks with a broken jaw because the linebacker showed Smith what he could do about it.

Question, do you want somebody like Smith leading your team?  Someone who has proven you can't trust him plus he is stupid to confront someone he owes money to and pretty much say so what to the debt.

Now let's look at our very own Cam Newton.  This week upset with a cornerback intercepting one of his passes and as he runs toward the end zone  he is laying it on to Cam about his throw being picked off.  Newton chases the cornerback to the end zone and fisticuffs breaks out and punches are thrown.

Now the question for the Carolina Panthers is  this.  Can you expect a quarterback where you just dumped millions of dollars that gets upset over a practice interception? Now remember both the offense goes up against the defense every day so if anyone knows what the play might be when you line up it would be your very own defense.  The same thing applies for the defense lining up the quarterback should know what the defense is doing too.   So practice interception occur all the time in practice.

So how smart of a quarterback is Newton  if he is willing to run down to the end zone and start throwing punches which could actually break his hand?  If he will lose his cool in practice what will he do throwing an int in the fourth quarter of a playoff game?

There is a major breakdown in our society where men think they have to prove their manhood over an interception or because you owe someone money or even an apology.  Our society today our young men must join a gang where me and eight other people will prove our manhood and we will shoot you.  We have lost the valve of right and wrong.

Smith's  easy thing to prove his manhood was to write a check and pay the debt or a simple sorry man but here's why I wasn't there and I know I should have called when I knew I wasn't coming.  If he had of done that he would not have a broken jaw and still in the running to be the Jets QB.  If any of any possible replacements does great Smith may never see the Jets playing field again all because he wanted to prove his manhood.

All Cam Newton needed to do was get back in the huddle and show his teammates he was a man and showed his manhood by not being stupid.  Instead is there a Carolina Panther player who really can trust Cam all because Newton had to show his manhood.