Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Olympic Ramblings

I probably did not watch more than five hours of the Olympics these past couple of weeks. I don't know why my schedule just did not work well with the coverage.

I want to throw at you a few Olympic thoughts:

Why do they have an age limit on gymnastics? If a 10-year-old is better, she's just better.

The best hit of the Olympics was the Cuban who kicked the referee after he disqualified him in taekwondo. He should be banned from the Olympics for life.

I have a hard time watching table tennis since the best ever table tennis player has retired. ... Forrest Gump!

If archery is an Olympic sport ,why not have darts? Why is water polo a sport, but not the real polo with horses? In fact, when was the last time you went to a local swimming pool for a game of water polo?

I love to watch rowing. I just don't understand why they don't use a 16-foot Carolina boat like I do when I go fishing?

Why do they play basketball during the summer Olympics instead of the Winter Games when it's basketball season?

This track cycling ... I don't understand why you go as fast as you can for eight laps and on the last lap you stop and try to see if you can sit on you bike without falling and then dash to the finish.

Makes no sense to me. I know this is a winter sport but why do they have downhill racing? It is easy for anybody to go down a hill. Just fall and you will make it to the bottom. The real sport to me is who is the fastest back up the hill.

They have bobsledding where you act like you are a NASCAR driver and go around in circles, but don't have dog sled racing which is a necessity of life in countries that have snow year round.

Here are a few sports that should be added. Bowling, horseshoes, chess and a good one since the Olympics were in China - Chinese checkers.

And finally, how can you have beach volleyball without a beach?

Oh well, that's my take on the Olympics. I guess you will be glad that I won't say anything about the Olympics for at least four years.

Hey, don't forget the winter Olympics in 2010!

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