Monday, September 1, 2008

Hurricane Watch!

Here we are in the third week of the high school football season and week No. 3 may find us watching a hurricane instead of football.

The track that Hurricane Hanna is projected could be from anywhere near Miami right up to Cape Hatteras.

If the storm stays out to sea longer and waits to hit North Carolina, that might take it until Saturday to get here.

Storms tend to pick up speed when they come onto land, so any landfall in northern Florida or Georgia might put the rain near us on Friday.

I called Northern Vance, Rocky Mount's scheduled opponent this week, today and made arrangements for us to come do the game Friday. It is wise to let the home team know that you want to broadcast a game from their facility. If there is anything special we might need to know, we'll know before leaving home.

I did ask the athletic director of a "What if" case in case Hurricane Hanna gets here ahead of schedule would the game be moved to Thursday.

The answer was, "we plan on playing Friday night, unless" and that unless was "we will play Friday night in the rain."

Maybe they saw last year's film of us playing Wilson Fike in the slop over at Buddy Bedgood Stadium and figure their best chance to win is to slow us down.

You know, even though the game against Hunt was on Friday, that was a day late due to the game being scheduled on Thursday to give everyone a jump on the Labor Day weekend.

If you watch TV any at all, the movie "Bull Durham" is on about once a week on some channel. Over the Labor Day holiday, I caught the last minute of it as the credits were scrolling.

When it came up on the part where it thanks people who helped to my surprise it said thanks to the Rocky Mount Parks and Recreation.

Does anyone know what happened during the filming of "Bull Durham?" Was something filmed here in Rocky Mount pertaining to the movie?

I realize most of the filming was in Durham at the old Durham Athletic Park, but how did Rocky Mount play a part in the movie?

I didn't move here until 1993, so I wasn't in the area during the filming otherwise I might have tried out for the radio announcer part.

Back to Gryphon sports: You know the football team is off to a tremendous start scoring over 40 points in its first two games for the first time in school history. Thanks to Charles Alston for that info (I stole it from his Gryphon Grapevine blog).

There is an old saying, "you are never as good as you think and never as bad as it appears."

Remember Gryphon fans, we have only played two games. Let's see how the Gryphons react after they fall behind for the first time.

The last part of that old saying is for Northern Nash fans. Wins have been few and far between in the last few years. I think all they need is a little luck to fall their way like picking up a fumble and scoring a touchdown and they just might get things turned around.

I hope we can bring you a game this week from Northern Vance. I don't care what day it is as long it is this week not next Monday.

J.H. Rose is awaiting next week. That would only give me four days to rest up for the biggest of our non-conference games. At my age, I need all the rest I can get.

1 comment:

Charles Alston said...

Tony, I believe the part in the movie "Bull Durham" was filmed at old Municipal Stadium, which during the filming was owned by the City of Rocky Mount. The scene is that of the "Spirit of '76" walk taking place - a fife player, a drummer and a flag bearer walk through the scene at a July 4th road game for the characters. Much of the Rocky Mount filming probably ended up on the cutting room floor, I am afraid.