Sunday, November 23, 2008


I noticed during the first challenge during the State-Carolina game that the announcers talked during the whole waiting process.

Seems to me that would have been a good time to get some commercials out of the way. Instead about three plays later there was a TV time out.

How can a team that thinks they are good enough to win a national championship give up 65 points? Texas Tech cannot complain to anybody about what ever bowl game it gets now.

After Florida State's victory last night over Maryland, N.C. State can no long win the ACC's Altantic Division.

Stephan Virgil of Rocky Mount High Class of 2005 had a great fourth quarter for Virginia Tech last night - coming up with two interceptions.

Rumors are flying around Chapel Hill that Mack Brown is coming back to Carolina in two years as athletic director.

I think we should have a pep rally at Rocky Mount High school about 10 a.m. Thurday to salute the Gryphons on the practice field at the end of practice.

Our pregame show may start at 6.45 Friday night.

Wes is going to try to get a pregame interview with coach B.W. Holt. The further we go in the playoffs we will probably wind up with a one-hour pregame show if we make it to Winston-Salem.

There will be no more talk in the NFL about an undefeated team as the Titans fell at home to the Jets today.

I think the Titans have the best defense in the NFL, but for some reason they don't score enough points for me to feel good about them in the playoffs.

I don't know what has happened to Carolina's offense. The last three weeks their offense has been awful, but their defense has won the games.

Doesn't look like the defense can help today as they are down 17-0 in the second quarter as I write this.

This is the fifth year in a row the Gryphons have won at least 10 games. During this stretch, they are 61-9.

I realize that most folks stayed home Friday night using the excuse of the cold weather.

We don't have to look very far right here in our own county when Northern Nash was just in the championship game a few years ago.

Don't take winning for granted!

Support the Gryphons in hugh numbers against Eastern Alamance!

1 comment:

gryphon86 said...

Good points regarding attendance at RM games and winning. Another example is the Atlanta Braves. After so many years of making the playoffs now they are one of the worst teams in baseball with poor attendance. Even their hometown TV station TBS does not even show them. People who d0 not come to the games may look back in the future and wish they had. This is a very special run the Gryphs have put together. If it is not the best team in RM football history it has go to be one of the top three.