Wednesday, June 24, 2009


During my first English class in college, our teacher asked for everyone to write an essay about themselves and, of course, not only does the teacher know something about you, but about your writing skills also.

One of the last comments I made about myself was that I someday wanted to write a book. The teacher was Dot Powell who knew me in high school and her comment to me was I could do anything that I motivated myself to do.

I still haven't written that, but this daily blog is about as close as I will ever get to doing so.

Several people have asked me who is going to be the next football coach at Rocky Mount. I have no idea. I have seen the names .

I did know a week before it was released that Kent Cox was going to be named the new head baseball coach. I was asked not to say anything until after June 16, and I didn't.

If you look at all the bloggers out in this world blogging, not many have facts, but they write as if they do.

That is even evident just reading comments on the newspaper's website. Even when in the booth doing a game live, I have never, especially high school sports, tried to blame a player when he made a mistake. The pros - I don't mind eating them alive when they deserve it.

I have heard all the names, but like you, I have no idea who did well in the interviews. I have two names that I would like to see as the new Rocky Mount football coach.

We send our kids to school there everyday. Yet, I keep seeing all these comments in the paper about how the people making the decisions are not qualified to make those decisions.

Please let all that are involved in hiring the new coach do their job. If you look at who they hired in baseball and football the last time around, they did a pretty good job.

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