Monday, June 29, 2009

What's The Deal With The Horns

I tried my best to watch as much of the Federation Cup Championship yesterday and it was really interesting when it looked as if the U S was going to win in the first half.

Try as I might I had a hard time focusing on the play with those horns blowing in the back ground. Apparently fans were given Kazoos upon entering and most of them blared the whole game.

Camera's showed them at least once and they looked like Clarinets. they looked like a concert band that was going to play after the match. It was very distracting trying to watch the game and hearing a swarm of bees in the back ground.

I think the U S team gave a good effort but you know Brazil scored a goal that was never given to them so the second half was all Brazil. The best team won.

The American legion playoffs have moved up to Tuesday night at Northern Nash. There is a conflict with the field with Babe Ruth or Jr Legion I don't know which but the game will start soon as possible.

The first round of the playoffs have always been two out of three during the first round. It will be a three out of five and Post 39 is our opponent.

If the series goes five games Post 58 will host Tuesday-Thursday Saturday. I hope it is over by Saturday that being the 4th . Post 39 is the team with the Rose high players on it.

Has any body noticed this but me. Major league baseball use to be on the cable on every channel every night. You could get the Braves, Cubs and white Sox, some times the Orioles and then whatever the networks were carrying.

Now there is just the WGN carrying the Cubs and White Sox. Then the network games on specific days. What happened to progress. This time of year baseball should be on some channel that we can get on cable every day.

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