Thursday, January 7, 2010

Stern Takes Action

Yesterday NBA Commissioner Stern's took action in the Gilbert Arenas case of bringing guns into an NBA locker room. Arenas has been suspended indefinitely. I hope that means his career is over.

Arenas says that the reason he took the guns with him to work was he thought it was unsafe to have them at home. If they are unsafe at home what makes him think they will be safer at work. Guns and being stupid don't mix.

I am a believer that every citizen has a right to protect himself in his home.

If you look at our local news over the past several weeks there have been shootings involving teenagers just about every other day. I don't know whether these teenagers are still in school or not, but if they are, do you think I think when they arrive at school every day they lock the gun in the glove compartment of their car? I don't think so.

I know having a child at RMHS if there are guns in school at some point in time they will be used. I have no problem at all if the Board of Education ordered one day for all Junior high and high schools to be locked down and and a complete search be done.

I think this has happened in the past in one or two schools but never as a County wide sweep.

Our area right now has way too much teenage violence's not to think guns are not in our schools. Let's find out.

I know the civil liberties people will come out of the wood work talking about rights of individuals. That's what I'm talking about too the right to send my child to school knowing that she will not be hit by a flying bullet aimed at someone else.

If that means the metal detectors need to be set up for everyone who enters a school so be it.

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