Sunday, April 25, 2010

ESPN Picks Mabry All American

This past week ESPN put Tashawn Mabry on their Rise All American team. That means he is seen as one of the fifty best basketball players in the country. Still Mabry has yet to make an announcement on his future in college. Rumors abound that N C State may be calling now that Mays has announced he is leaving Raleigh to go play elsewhere.

Just yesterday two of Rocky Mount's best football players this century went undrafted in the NFL. Any athlete that decides in life that they want to be a professional athlete had better realize that being a professional is just short of winning the MEGA lottery. You put a lot of time in it and very few see the pot of gold.

This week the tennis team starts the conference tournament which will be played at Barton college. Soccer has it's final week of regular season and they head down the home stretch in the lead. Baseball has it's biggest week of the year. They have a non-conference game Monday and then Host Hunt Tuesday and a trip to Fike Thursday. Hunt and Fike if they win both could give then a two game lead with two games to go. One loss and every pitch will be important next week.

I love sports, I guess it is the competition I don't really know. I can watch a pee wee game and as long as both sides are equal I can enjoy watching it. I enjoy watching baseball as much as any sport because you can carry on a conversation while the game is going on with out yelling at the person you are talking to.

I really enjoy college baseball but college baseball has got to make a decision for the betterment of the game. They either have to go back to wooden bats or shorten the games to seven innings. College hitters are so strong a pop up off the handle can fly over the fence. The hitters have such an advantage that there are very few college games that the loser doesn't get ten runs.

Wooden bats are a major cost as many as get broken during a year. I think a lot of arm troubles that pitchers have can be traced to pitching too much during the year without time off to rest arms. I think travel leagues can be blamed for that. Colleges leave their starting pitchers in way to long because first off they are the best pitchers they have, but in three games series by the third game every one is out of pitchers and you get 18-13 games.

I don't know if you know this or not but North Carolina is the only American legion state that still plays nine inning games. Why? Aluminum bats wear pitchers out and teams don't have enough pitchers to play three or four games a week like legion does. If you were there during the legion season last year we beat Wilson one game 32-5 mainly because the fences are too close for legion players.

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