Thursday, May 20, 2010

Rings And Ovation

The second annual sports banquet for all athletes at Rocky Mount High School was held in the gym Thursday night with about 450 people partaking of a meal an another 100 or so there to watch family members receive awards.

The high lite of the evening was the the basketball members receiving their rings for winning the state championship in 3-A basketball. Coach Mike Gainey called all the members of the team to the front of the crowd and while the team came to the front they received an standing ovation from those in attendance.

Each coach presented their teams awards and varsity letters, all conference awards to those that had won them.

The program ended with the highest awards given to any Rocky Mount High athlete.

Triple Crown Award: Presented by Dr Greg Nelson and Coach Mike Gainey- won by Addie Keeter, Cristy Barnes and Ross Bradley.

Juan Chesson Award: Presented by Martha Proctor -Won by Carter Varnell

Scholar Athletes of the Year: Presented by Principal Leon Farrow- won by Boys- Andrew Bowers and the girls by Addie Keeter

The Male and Female Athlete of the year : Presented by the coaching staff- won by Marquavis Alston for the boys and the girls winner was Danita Whitaker.

When I picked Morgan up from school today she told me that in the hallway in front of the gym that they had hung a team picture of the 2008 state champions baseball team and the 2010 state champion basketball team. I got a look at the pictures tonight and they are really great.

Baseball is over but the Big East is still alive and will have a team in the fourth round. This will make four years in a row that the NEW-6 and now the Big East will have a team in at least the fourth round. The previous three years we are 3-0 in the fourth round with Northern Nash Making the Eastern Finals in 07 and 09 and the Gryphons in 08.

We know the Big East will make it to the fourth round because both Fike and Hunt won their second round games and square off against each other Friday night at Hunt.

The final week of ACC baseball is underway with State and Carolina winning tonight and Boston College losing. BC and State are tied at 13-15 and Carolina is 12-16. Depending on what happens the last two games all three still have a chance to make the ACC tournament.

State seems to be in the drivers seat if they win they last two games they are in. Carolina wins their last two Boston college must lose both. If State loses both and Carolina wins both they are in. If all three tie a State and BC get in the ACC tournament.

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