Thursday, June 3, 2010

Oil Spill

The oil spill in the Gulf Of Mexico has been spewing oil for a month now and there is not really any hope in site that they (BP) has any idea how to stop it. I like all Americans wants 59 cent gas. We have up to this point been “give me gas at all cost” but this oil spill may be the back breaker. Signs that the oil is heading up river in areas along the Gulf is now happening.

The Valdez oil spill in Alaska back in the 90’s was 11 million gallons of oil. To this point the Gulf spill has just gone over maybe 40 million gallons. The Valdes spill was almost on shore when the tanker leaked where this Gulf leak is out in the middle of the Gulf more susceptible to current flows and more likely to damage more area and maybe even North Carolina.

Just maybe it is time as Americans to demand different type vehicles fuels than depending on digging in the ground. How long before that digging empties all the holes anyway? We are a people of convenience. Give it to me now. Just maybe it’s time to quit being selfish and think about something other than ourselves.

Every time there has ever been a disaster sooner or later the world recovered. Hiroshima was completely wiped out from the first atomic bomb. Today only memories of the disaster linger for those who survived. That area is once again thriving with over 1.2 million people living there.

The area around Mount St Helen’s which was destroyed by a volcanic eruption thirty years ago and wiped out nearly everything as far away as 18 miles is now some of the most fertile land in the Northwest United States.

Prince William Sound which was the area hit when the Exxon Oil Tanker Valdez ran a ground has recovered. It didn’t happen over night but recovery was made.

Humans destroy for their wants not for their needs. You can ride through Rocky Mount and see abandon building no longer needed in human wants. There is not much evidence of the flood of 99 except historical markers and memories.

Mother Nature destroys and then turns around and helps repair. Will Mother Nature help us humans out of this disaster in the Gulf? We are approaching Hurricane season. Will we get a big blow to help dissolve our mess or will there not be a hurricane at all in the Gulf this year. The biggest question of all is if there is a hurricane in the Gulf this year will the winds worsen and push the destruction further up rivers? Could the winds speed up the process of coming up the East Coast?

I have only been deep sea fishing in the Gulf Stream once in my life. That green water I saw in the Gulf Stream is Natures interstate highway of the Atlantic Ocean. If this oil gets in the Gulf Steam Europe may be affected.

What will we think if we ride across a bridge and the shores of the mighty Tar River look like Tar?

We will not know how bad it can get until they stop the spill. Until then anything is possible because the end is not yet in site.

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