Saturday, December 25, 2010

A Special Christmas

I want to wish each and everyone a Merry Christmas. This is a time of families coming together to celebrate the birth of out Lord and Savior.

It has become our tradition to head on Christmas Eve to our oldest daughter's Steph's home in Raleigh to share Christmas with our grand children Madison and Landyn. We exchanged family gifts Friday evening and left this morning to the jolly old Saint Nick.

There are years when Christmas has more meaning than others and this has been one for my family. Thanksgiving weekend we spent the holiday weekend in Ocean Isle where the temperature was mild enough that we could walk and enjoy the beach. Morgan was taking snapshots and for her Christmas present to her brother in law Jared she gave him snap shots of him playing on the beach with his kids.

Tough guy Jared had tears in his eyes looking at these pictures. It didn't take long until we all had tears. You see Jared leaves in February for Afghanistan. 2010 Jared rejoined the Marines and his division moves out in less than two months.

This Christmas has been like no other for my family. We need to celebrate every Christmas like we have this one. We all have a new meaning of what Christmas is for. Celebrate the birth of Jesus and celebrate life with our families.

I hope that your Christmas has been as good as ours!

Merry Christmas

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