Thursday, July 28, 2011

Butch Davis Out At UNC

I know as a Carolina fan this is one of those times when it feels like the world is falling in on top of you.  More than a year now there has been an NCAA investigation into all kinds of wrong doing in Chapel Hill.  One of the big problems during all of this  troubled times has been the bill of goods that Carolina fans have been sold and and each and every Carolina fan from Joe likes Carolina but does not give any financial support, to  I give what I can to support my school and even throughout the UNC Board of Governors and Trustees.  They all have fallen for the We are Carolina and we don't do that.

Washington has sold itself as the only way to improve life is let government do it.  Slavery still exist today in this country.  No it's not the cotton farmers but the US Government who sponsors slavery in the form of a monthly check. If all you have in life is your government check you have been sold a bill of goods that the government can save you when  when they have put a chain around your neck.  Even the government thinks they are the answer because they now believe the bill of goods they have been selling.

Carolina fans have been sold on the bill of goods that their integrity was beyond reproach and there  was no way that they could do any thing wrong.  All along the Athletic Director  Baddour had been saying that they were investigating deep into what was going on.  It took a blog called Pack Pride( supporters of N C State ) to show the NCAA that Carolina was covering up more than investigating including the honor code at Carolina.

I think it is time for a complete over haul of the NCAA.  I am not in favor of players being paid any more than what they receive now in a full scholarship.  My fear is if they pay  players $200 a week there will still be somebody getting $1000 from some supporter.

I am in favor of a ten page rule book instead of 6,000 pages of rules.  If you are caught cheating you give back every dime  your school made from cheating. and you don't play at all in that sport next year. Lose any rewards from cheating championships and so forth.  Coaches who cheat  need to find work in professional sports not college.  Ban them for life.

The bottom line is this, Carolina sold itself to everyone as being a clean institution beyond reproach.  All of the ABC (Anybody but Carolina) fans out there were sick of Carolina fans before the scandal and having to listen to all this but we couldn't possibly do that  here the last year has only made the ABC folks  cry for joy at what is happening now.

I don't cry for joy because  regardless of who you pull for there is somebody at your place getting $100 in a hand shake some where.  I think Butch Davis is only the first on the dominoes to fall in Chapel Hill.  Carolina thought they had the fire under control until Pack Pride's uncovering  of the cover up of the  cheating  in academia as well as the player perks.

The firing of Butch Davis is a token to the NCAA trying to show that Carolina is doing the right thing.  Sorry the right thing would have been to dismiss him before last year but you were caught up in that "We Don't do that kind of stuff at Carolina." I am afraid that Carolina in the know people know the NCAA is coming with a sledge hammer and this was a token to only bring a hammer.  Davis is only the first to go.  Carolina will have to clean house if they are serious  about  Academic integrity.  The AD must go and I suspect some of the Academic heads will roll too.

I am in no way an ABC person but Carolina people like to think of themselves as the pride of the UNC system. I would like to remind them that the greatest person in the history of UNC  System William Friday graduated from State College not Chapel Hill.  I know he has a law degree from Chapel Hill but he got his education in Raleigh.

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