Thursday, October 6, 2011

Paint It Pink Thursday

Today at Northern Nash High School Northern Nash will Host Rocky Mount in the second Annual "Dig For A Cure" Cancer Benefit for the Susan G Koman Foundation. This year the shirts say Northern Nash versus Rocky Mount.  Last year it said Rocky Mount versus Northern Nash.  Regard of who's name is first both sides are pulling together to fight for a cause.

What makes this years match a little more intense is that fact that the winner is conference regular season champion..  On the line is Rocky Mount's four year strangle hold of the last two years of the NEW Conference and the first two years of the Big East Champs.  If they win Thursday they will have won the conference crown five years in a row.  I know for sure that  Northern has never beaten Rocky Mount in the Big East Regular season. No better way for them to knock Rocky Mount from the top than to take it themselves is what Northern is thinking.

I have hardly ever heard of a tie in soccer in high school and especially since they play two ten minute over times somebody usually wins.  Last night Nash Central and Rocky Mount played to a 0-0 tie.  Each team has played a conference game to a tie now twice this year.

Wednesday afternoon the regular weekly Cross Country run Rocky Mount boys win again with a score of 53.  There is a tie for second between Northern Nash and Fike scoring 70.  On the girls side of the ledger Fike wins with a score of 28 with Rocky Mount finishing second with 49 and Nash Central was on their heels with 57.

Gryphon Junior Mason Holt won the boys race with a time of 17.09 winning by just three seconds. You know Rocky Mount is winning in Cross Country despite having lost James Bond who transferred to Rocky Mount Prep.  Seems as if RMP is getting a lot of kids who transfer.  Heard this week that Rick Ruffin at Northern Nash has lost DeShawn Freeman off the basketball team as Freeman has headed to play at Prep. Those two players right there are impact players in their sports.

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