Friday, April 20, 2012


Rocky Mount High School made it official today as they have named last year's offensive coordinator and a graduate of Rocky Mount High School  Jason Battle as their next head football coach replacing Dickie Schock who resigned after three season in February.

If there was a complaint about Dickie Schock during his three year tenure at Rocky Mount was that he never committed to the community by never moving here.  The search committee solve that by going with Battle who not only graduated from RMSHS but has lived here the  past dozen years or so and is entrenched in the community as well as Rocky Mount High.

Schock who never really sought support from the fan base  or  any support from the community solved that by Hiring Battle who was probably the most popular  coach with the returning football players.He is also highly popular with the fan base.

It is obvious that Battle has never had head coaching experience but there is one thing that Jason will bring to the job is enthusiasm and if your have ever been around him you know if he translates that attitude to his players they could have a fun year.

I have some sad news to report that one of the famous Capps Brothers  Gray has been diagnosed with Lukemia.  The Capps brothers have been a fixture in every Gryphon football games for seems like a 100 years as they both film every Gryphon football game for the Gryphons.  I ask all of you to pray with me for a recovery for Gray.  Football season is only four months away.

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