Saturday, May 19, 2012

Big Weekend In This Houseehold

Having a graduating senior in high school those last couple of weeks before the big day brings on several culminations of life leading up to graduation.  Friday night the Tar River Children's Chorus had their annual end of the year concert.  This year happened to be the 20th year since the Tar River Orchestral Society decided to fund a Children's Chorus.  It also mark the last time that Morgan would sing with the group as she will age out.

We have been in the group nine years and have traveled all over the east coast singing with the Chorus.  The Children's Chorus leader is Patsy Gilliland.  I think we all hope that when our time has come and gone in this life there will be someone to say that my life was better because I was a part of it.  I can tell you this Patsy being a part of my family's life the last nine year has certainly  enriched ours.

Tonight The Debuette Club is having their Presentation Ball at the Dunn Center.  Morgan has been in that since ninth grade.  The club is a public service group and she will receive a $2,500 dollar Scholarship tonight having performed more public service hours than any other senior.  Her four years she has given more than 400 hours back to help making Rocky Mount a better place to live.

Fourteen seniors will be presented and I will have to  wear a Monkey Suit tonight.  I have been instructed that I can't go to the Alumni game because Pat knows if I go to see any of the game I will be there to the end.  If I did that my funeral would be about Tuesday.

The Big east has finished it's sports season as Hunt was knocked out of the baseball playoffs last night by South Brunswick  7-0.  This will be the first time in quite sometime that at least one member of the Big East/ NEW conference hasn't gotten at least to Eastern Regional.

Yesterday's results in track  had the Fike girls finishing second in the state behind the champion North Buncombe. Rocky Mount finished 21st, Southern Nash 31st and Nash Central 55th.  The boys were lead by Fike finishing 5th.  Then it was Hunt in 18th,  Rocky Mount and Southern Nash 19th and Nash Central 32nd.

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