Friday, May 4, 2012

Consequences Of Life

This week one of the Icons of the NFL of the 90's  Junior Seau who had his greatest years with the San Diego Chargers shot himself and ended his life.  The world we live in today where we are not responsible for anything we do, it is always somebody else's fault.   The blame is being laid at the hands of concussions in the NFL. It very well be part of the cause but before we get carried away and have a rally in Rocky Mount to end the NFL let's try to find reason to keep sanity afloat.

Do you think the Seau ever used enhancement drugs at anytime in his playing career?  If he did what part of the blame can we point  in that direction?  If any anytime in his life did he ever used any drugs of pleasure? If he did what part did that play.  Did he ever get a concussion while playing and never told anyone for the fear of if I don't play someone could take my place?  Who's fault is that if it happened.  Was he in any financial trouble do to the fact that 70% of NFL players are broke five years after their careers end.   Did he miss the limelight so much that he was depressed because he wasn't on sports center every night any more. 

You know most athletes that reach the professional level in any sport are patted on the back from the moment we realize that they can play any sport really well  and you know as well as I do when they do wrong most of the time they are told " Thats ok, just don't do that again".  Athletes other than practice time in their sport where they sweat  to become great  get life handed to them on a silver platter.  Just maybe his platter wasn't silver anymore.

The NFL has a major perception problem because  the game is being played where the head is a spear. Yes in recent years they have started fining player who hit with the helmet first or go after a player head high only.  Even this weeks players were suspended because they were paying bounties to other players to take players out of the game.  Is that football when you play to hurt.

The answer to head hunting is take away the helmet.  You know up until about 1950 they wore a rubber cap and only started putting nose guards on helmets because broken noses was the main injury in football.  There is one advantage to not wearing a helmet.  Everyone could see your face and there would be no need after a tackle to run five yards out in the open and tell everybody to look at me.  That has no place in sports either.

The facts are at this point we have no idea why Junior Seau took his on life.  There are many things in life we need to know what the facts are before we hang someone  or in this case an  industry.

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