Sunday, May 13, 2012

Pack Moving Up

The University of North Carolina was the first University that a State government gave money in order to create.  It open it's doors in 1804.  Almost a century later the state government was spending money again to create a college and there are many who attended that still say they went to State College.  Since 1890 there has always been the second fiddle label to State over those who go to Carolina.

Carolina has for years used the moniker THE University of North Carolina.  Whenever possible they have tried to imply that the standards in Chapel Hill were beyond reproach and the Cow College was always little sister in importance and value to the State Of North Carolina.

Scandal has ravaged through Chapel Hill in the last two years.  The Honor Court and the Academic Standards are in questioned.  Yes during the last days of Jim Valvano N C State paid a price that a decision was made to devalue sports and bring an academic standard to the University that would meet the view of those in Chapel Hill.  Like it or not State's last twenty years on the athletic fields have been good but not outstanding.

Then a North Carolina State icon dies in Kay Yow and her sister soon arrives to run the athletic ship.  Debbie Yow is just about to finish up her second year as Athletic Director and there is a surge on the field and  Saturday more athletes graduated in one day in the history of the institution.  The answer is yes you can win and still go to class.  We have just found in the last couple of weeks that going to class is not necessary  at the Hill.

Now with a  new investigation looming in Chapel Hill Debbie Yow is finding money under rocks that no one knew of before her arrival.  She is demanding coaches put better teams on the field and across the board State is improving every where.  You know she called Gary Williams lazy and he was a National Championship coach for Maryland basketball.

Will Carolina at some point in time have to start looking back beyond 2007 which is as far back as I think they want to look and find out they are not the shining star that they have advertised.  While Carolina is embroiled in a major embarrassment under Debbie Yow's leadership State is on the rise and seems ready to take over the Flagship if Carolina keeps in denial and is not willing to get to the bottom of a mess.

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