Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Olympic Coverage

There are many who are slamming NBC for their showing high lights of the Olympics in prime Time.  There is an old saying that people learn a lot about you every time you open your mouth and that can be good or bad.  I have had the privilege to go to London once in my life.  This time of year the sun doesn't set until about 9.30 or 10PM.  The reason for that of course is London is way north of what most folks  here think.  It is about due east of  Southern Canada..  It is also three thousand miles east of the USA which means when it is prime time in the eastern US it is 1am in London.  It is not their prime time and since the Olympics are in Great Britain the world will watch the action live all day in Great Britain not US time.

If you have been following the Olympics then when NBC coverage starts in the early morning on NBC you are getting those events live.  They have three NBC Networks bringing you as much live coverage as possible only it is at 10am instead of 8PM US time.  I don't see that NBC has alter in any way the formula they have used for five or six Olympics and their coverage is just fine.

Brian Goodwin is just about been in AA ball in Harrisburg PA almost three weeks now and it is amazing that any of us once we can of get the lay of the land become comfortable with what we are doing.  Every time we change jobs that first day we don't know whether we made the right decision or not but after we get into the routine things begin to fall in place.

That is happening for Brian Goodwin.  As late as about last Wednesday Brian was hitting a buck fifty but since then he has gone 8 for 20 and raised his batting average up to 239.  He cracked his third homer over the weekend.  I think Brian had to get use to and find a rhythm at his new job.  Now that he has been there to see AA ball players are just like him I hope Brian is establishing to the Washington Nationals that he is going to be what they think.  I suspect Brian will finish the season in Harrisburg  but next spring don't be surprise if they start him out in AAA and after he gets his feet on the ground or an injury happens in Washington he might as they say get 21 days with the big club while someone is on the IR.  Big League lingo that's called a cup of coffee.  Sometimes players who get that cup of coffee never go back to AAA.  We will see.

Today marks my 1,500th blog. It has taken just over four years to do that many.  I will continue to do this until you show me that I have lost your interest.  I thank you for your support those of you that join me every day.  I could go on face Book or even Tweeter but I think this medium  is for me.  You know we all should be on the lookout for the next  faster way to contact people.

I realize that one day the world of the computer could change over night.  We must be open to change.  I am sure the man that invented the wooden match thought his family was set for ever  but along came the Bic lighter and the wooden match industry faded to only one company makes matches any more.  The guy who invented the clothes pens felt the same until the electric dryer came along.  I am open to change when ever I feel it fits me so until then the only way to find me is Thank You!

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