Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Journey Continues

Today is August the first.  Four years ago today I wrote my first story on this blog.  Charles Austin and I had discussed me doing this and he graciously set this up for me and I have been writing ever since.  1,461 days have past since the first one and today makes my 1,494th entry.  That averages out to over one per day.  In the four years I missed four days in early August of 2010 while my family went on a cruise to the Bahamas.  Other wise I have had something to say everyday and least once a day and every now and then twice.

Those times  that I have done  a blog twice in most cases I had written what ever I had to talk about and something big happened later that day that I thought you might want to hear about so I would do another story.  Most of these four years have been dedicated to Rocky Mount High School since daughter Morgan has been there during these four years and since she has been the manager of just about every team.   Pat and I have been there supporting her watching her give a towels to a sweaty player.  She was really good doing that.  She heading down south to college now so we won't be there at every game like in the past.

That first month there were only about fifty times that anyone hit this site but as time as gone on I have picked up a regular following of fans.  I want to thank each and everyone of you who are the ones that come to this site every day even though you know there is not much going on to talk about.  Just Tuesday there was really nothing  going on  to talk about who won and lost any games but still more than a 100 of you came on this site.  Back in March when the Gryphon basketball team was on the journey to their second state title in three years about 350 of you  hit this site everyday to read about the champs journey.

It is obvious that all of us want to only hear the good or great things that happen in our every day life but in every sporting event there is a winner and loser.  I hate like the dickens to criticize  a  high school coach or player because they do what they do for the love of it.  If it was for the money they would be long gone from high school coaching.

The older I get  the things that I have loved to do are getting harder to do. Up until just a couple of years ago every Friday night I was in a booth doing high school football on the radio.  Fewer and fewer stations are doing football on the air.  I was approached by the Tarboro radio station who is trying to get Viking football on the air this year and I turned down the chance to do the play by play.  My schedule  with Volleyball at Campbell there are simply too many conflicts to be in the booth every Friday night this year.

So this blog has become my version of talking on the radio.  I say a lot of the same things here that I would have said on the air.  I want to thank you for viewing this site like you have in the past four years.  I hope that as we go forward I will continue to keep your interest up.  For I know if I just start writing just to be writing then I am going to lose you because it won't be interesting.  Thank you for letting me your friend here every day.

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