Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Glorification Of Sports

Our country is more than 200 years old but sports in America is a relative new sensation.  Lacrosse is one of the first sports played by a group of people in this country.  Baseball has been around about 150 years.  Basketball and football came later.  Why is it then that the creation of this country no where in the Constitution of even in the Declaration of Independence is there a mention of sports? What is it that this country is so sports crazy?

The Olympics started from a military action when a runner ran 26.8 miles to warn of an invasion. The Olympics were started to see who could run the fastest, jump the highest and even throw two crazy spheres.  One was a metal ball that weighted 15 pounds and the other a disc that had no purpose to want to throw it.

  Somewhere along the way America became addicted to sports.  Babe Ruth made $100,000 in one season before the the President of the USA ever did.  When asked why he made 100,000 Ruth bragged that he had a better year than the president.

Our addiction to sports puts normal human beings in a position where they want their team to win and if it means cheat to do it, then do it just don't tell me about it.  I will look the other way as long as you win but if you don't we will get someone who will win. 

When ever our athletes get too big for their britches we make excuses for them.  We have put them on a pedestal just because they can throw a ball, hit a home run or even make a shot and tear down a rim.  Somewhere along the way we as a society have forgotten what life is all about.  What really is important.  As long as we as a country worry about where we rank in world power we will continue to put importance of being the best.

It doesn't matter where it is a rocket, the stock market, if it  didn't make Sports Center high lites you are nowhere man.  We are suppose to be intelligent people.  I wonder if the Martians landed here tomorrow what they would think?

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