Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Survival Of Football

The NFL has been for the past few years  fining players for hits to the head.  Somewhere in the array of rules that has occurred over the years football  lost sight of a rule that was in place when I played high school football.  If you lead with the helmet on a tackle it is called spearing and you were tossed out of the game.

Today's helmets as suppose to be safer and with a safer helmet has come the comfort zone that I can't get hurt because this helmet will keep me safe.  That also applies to runners who lower their heads when they are about to be tackled.Sure seems to me that a helmet offers no protection if it can't stop someone hitting you in the helmet from hurting you.  Where is the so called protection?

So far this NFL preseason the target area where players are hitting others has lowered as those doing the hitting and are trying to stay away from the head and in doing so several knee injuries related to helmet hits has happen.  Sounds to me like the NFL needs to make the helmet less safe or even go back to the days of no helmets in order to reduce injuries.  Would you rather have a broke nose or at age 50 not be able to add 2 plus 2.

I sure would love to see the injured list of all professionals sports from say up to 1970 and compare it today during the era of steroids.  If human growth hormones  are suppose to make you into a superman why is it then that players get as many injuries today as before all of these incredible hulks were created?

I like what I saw Tuesday night on WRAL on the project going on that is being sponsored in part by the NFL that they are teaching midget league players the proper way to tackle.  That means as those players work their way up to become NFL players in 20 years there may be a generation of players that know how to play the game the right way.  Seems they could cut the time down by teaching those already in the NFL how to tackle the right way.

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