Sunday, September 22, 2013

Blown Call Not A Killer

I don't care what kind of sport you play every once in a while(seems like all the time but it's not) referees,or umps make bad calls. Thursday night the Wolfpack got the short end of the stick on an 83 yard touchdown run on a call by a ref that admitted he was blocked off. My only question would be why would you call something you didn't see and TV proved out that you didn't. The bottom line is this if it were not for the TV replay we would not know whether the call was right or not. Replay is meant to get it right when there is a chance that you got it wrong. Many times after the replay has been run 15 times depending on the angle they still can't decide one way or the other. In the case of out of bounds or not why don't officials use their caps or bean bags like they do in fumbles and throw a cap where you think he might have gone out of bounds and let the play run it's course and then look at the replay. Once that whistle sounds the play is dead right or wrong. There have been many plays where the refs couldn't decide whether it was a fumble or not and the play runs it's course and afterwards it is reviewed. I would have a hard time trying to be a referee with everything I do under scrunity. I think the judgement business in front of 60,000 fans always siding against your call is not easy to do especially have you have made a major blunder in the third quarter. You hear coaches say this all the time that there are four or five plays that make the difference in winning and losing. That blown call was only one play but just a few plays later the Pack fumbles and a few plays later a touchdown. The call occurred in the third quarter it was not the last play of the game. Hold on to the ball and they are still in the game even if they have to punt. It's still 13-7 in the third quarter. Sitting at home I was jumping up and down for a touchdown and quickly slumber back down when the announcement was made. Good thing is,, there is another game next week.

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