Sunday, November 17, 2013

Friday Night Tears

We all as fans want our team to do well in every game they play. People become so tunnel visioned that they become obsessed. Once the mountain top has been toppled you find that those you pull for the hardest wanted what you wanted just as much as you did. I have heard from many that say they saw B W Holt with tears in his eyes Friday night. Don't you think it has been a burden on his shoulders to think he has in his career been with one hand on the mountain top seven times but never get to the top to even pull himself onto the top. I wish I could have been there to enjoy B W and his Eagles in their moment of glory. Just think what a great decision Beth Covolo made just two years ago bringing Holt to RMA. I bet the crowd there Friday night pulling for the Eagles is bigger than all crowds put together at a RMA home games in the last six years. As a child I never understood why my daddy got so much joy from getting one pair of socks for Christmas. Those there Friday night to bask in the glory for B W Holt got a Chrismas present in watching his joy. 248 teams opened play Friday night in all eight NC High School playoffs. It was 124 games played Friday night. Many of you know I despise five games to win the state title. There are simply too many teams in the playoff who don't deserve to be there and when they get to where ever the game is being played to go home in a short order of business getting the living day lights beat out of them. Friday night there were 26 games where the winning team scored 50 or more. Of those seven scored at least 60. There was even a playoff game Friday night in which the winners put a 70 spot on the board. That works out to 18% of the games were laughers. If the playoffs were reduced to four games almost all of the first round games would have been more like Rocky Mount 8-3 at Orange 10-1. To me that is a playoff first round game not Rocky Mount Prep losing 62-0 after having won only two games. Here is another desturbing number twenty games the winners won by more than 40 points. Why do we have to keep enduring these pitiful games. I would love to see how many people were in attendance to these games when everyone knew before the game was played it shouldn't be played. We got rid of the POD system which was a great thing for those in 4-3-and 2-A playoff games. Let's reduce to four playoff games where everyone thinks his team has a shot in the opening round because they are good enough to be there not because we need a filler team. That doesn't do any good for the winning team and it makes a bad team have to endure another crushing loss.

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