Friday, March 28, 2014

Sports Will Never Be The Same

A National Labor Relations Board has ruled the football players at Northwestern University can form a union if they choose to do so.  There is no way anyone can defend the antics of colleges and universities as they grow conferences so big for one purpose only to make more money.

I don't think any of us believe that the student comes first in college athletics.  Yet even though we know most are there hoping there is a professional rainbow around the corner and only a slight few will find both ends of the rainbow.  There are few and far between Benton Moss type players who think any thing less than a 4.0 grade point average per semester is a failure to him.

We know that athletes have special requirements in order to play their sports but I cannot support unions in college sports.  Any person on any type grant whether it is the Morehead or a football grant players have more benefits than any one else on campus.  First of all they are given an opportunity to learn a trade with out paying one dime for it.  They eat in a special dining hall and can get anything they want.  Whether they take advantage of the academic opportunities or not is up to them.  They are even provided special instruction to help them with their studies if they choose to use it.

I agree that players images should be their own and any likeness they should receive compensation for that but not a weekly salary.  If I buy a jersey with a players name on the back he should get his percentage.  Like any thing ever invented in this world thats purpose was suppose to be for the good of the world there is always somebody that can make evil out of good.
In this Northwestern case there sits the union expecting new union members who pay dues.  If it ever comes a day where players earn salaries the first thing as a university I would do is drop from our employees benefit package would be their free education.  If you are a football player find your own housing, no other university employee gets it.  If you are going to play football lunch time is from noon to 1pm and MacDonalds is just down the street.  Be back on time or you may lose your job.

You see we live in a world where laws are passed every day that are suppose to be for the betterment of the world only to find that it wasn't suppose to be like this.  The Old saying that the grass is greener on the other side is true while you stand on the other side.  Players before they vote need to make sure they understand what they are doing.

I know of a saw mill that had 39 employees and the union came in and the owner told the employees that if they voted the union in he would lock the doors.  The vote was 20-19 for the union.  The next morning when arriving to work the gates were locked and a sign reading out of business.  Now 39 people didn't have any green grass across the road because they were unemployed.

The real winners in all of this money grab in college sports are the TV networks.  If players unionize the TV executives will not be the people paying the salaries  but the colleges.  All of this will either lead to the end of college sports as we know it or the end of the big TV contracts.

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