Thursday, November 27, 2014

Plenty To Be Thankful For

We have come to the National Holiday that President Abe Lincoln started in the middle of the Civil War, Thanksgiving.  I don't know about you but I have plenty to be thankful for as my family has received many blessings this year.

Daughter Amy was married last November and I am thankful for her husband who is a Christian man and their lives seem to be truly loving. He truly is a blessing to my family.

Son Brooks as he progresses in the world of Tri Athlon coaching has received a blessing in getting a job on the world stage as a Tri coach for the U S Olympic team.  It is something he has dreamed of and he has been blessed in all the good things that have fallen his way.

Daughter Stephanie got a promotion in her job working for a company in the Research Triangle.  Her husband Jared got out of the Marines in July after serving in Okinawa and Afganistan.  Their two children are on travel soccer teams with CASL.  They have been blessed in so many ways this year.

Daughter Morgan has just finished her third year as manager of the Campbell Volleyball team and is progressing nicely into womanhood.  She has surprised both her parents as her grades at Campbell keep getting better.

Wife Pat and I have been world travelers this year following Campbell Volleyball.  Heard this week that there will be a weekend in Dallas next year as well as a Florida trip to Jacksonville next fall. The closer we get to that retirement age it seems the more we have to do everyday.  I am so thankful that at this point in our life we still have our health that keeps us in jobs that we can do all the traveling we have done.

Two Edgecombe County football teams have  been blessed to be playing on the Friday night after Thanksgiving.  In Tarboro this is a tradition isn't it.  SouthWest Edgecombe joins them this year.

SouthWest 10-3 heads to Elizabeth City to take on Northeastern 12-0.  The Eagles Dominated both Hunt and Northern Nash winning by 28 against each.  This will be a monumental task winning near the Virginia border.  I think Northeastern has a real shot at the State Championship.  NE 35 SWE 27

Tarboro hits the road heading south and SWE and Tarboro couldn't get much further apart than they are as James Kenan host  the Vikings.  Tarboro is 10-3 while JK is 11-1.  Don't think when you look over  the  schedule for James Kenan it is as good as Tarboro.  However I think JK is a tough place to play at JK wins this one.  James Kenan 37- Tarboro 32.

If this comes to past we are in total basketball mode every where next week.

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