Thursday, December 25, 2014

A Merry Christmas to All

The Old testament in the Bible fore tells of the coming of Jesus.  That first night of Jesus' birth we celebrated the first gift giving when the wise Men came bearing gifts.  What so many of those that believed  that Jesus was the king thought in political terms.  They thought he was going to take over the government.

So many that were able to be near Jesus during his 33 years on life saw him heal flesh, and listen to what he had to say and believe in his words  but still thought he was going to rule the world in a government sense.   Jesus does rule the world but not like those back then thought. Jesus will one day rule the world but those that either don't believe or don't care to believe will find out too late.

We live in a world of conflict.  Our government does all that it can to tell you to not say Jesus in public, pray to Jesus  or to speak of Jesus on government property yet December 25th is a National Holiday and his birth is celebrated in almost every country.

If is very simple to find the way to Jesus.  Ask him for forgiveness of your sins.  It doesn't matter how bad you sins are of the past if you truly ask him he will forgive because he knows whether it is from your heart or not.  What better present can any of us give Jesus than give your heart to him.



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