Friday, July 24, 2015

The Brady Dilemma

It is my opinion that Tom Brady was in cahoots with somebody and had the NFL football deflated to fit his hand and comfort.  It has been about a month now since there was the big meeting at NFL Headquarters where Brady got to sit across the table from NFL commissioner Roger Gooddell.  A month and no decision.

Now that I have pondered this incident since January it seems to me that why would the NFL allow anyone other than an NFL official touch the balls before a game and even during the game unless they were touched as part of an ongoing game.  Baseball has the umpires rub up with mud from the bottom of a Delaware river the baseballs used in every game.  They don't let today's pitcher rub them up.

I understand the want for every quarterback to have balls shaped to fit the hand of the thrower it has to be easier to throw that way.  You know even high schools use their own balls.  What would stop from a punter putting a small amount of helium in a football to make it travel farther when punted.  You surely could not fill a ball with 100% helium or the ball may never come down.

Yes I think Brady is guilty, so if he gets four games suspension or two games it doesn't matter he has threatened to sue the NFL if that happens.  The NFL fined the Patriots a million dollars for letting this go on.  Suppose they fined Brady but let him continue to play.  I guess the question is this.  Is his crime of doctoring footballs worse than drunk driving, wife beating, carrying around guns and shooting yourself as has happened to NFL players?

Our society today if you happen to go to court you can wiggle out of murder and you get fined and put on probation for five years.  Seems to me that deflating footballs until the NFL takes control of the balls away from each team that they need to have a football referee on both sidelines.  Every play when you see a new ball thrown out to the official putting the next ball in play should come from and NFL ref on the sidelines that has control of the balls.  Remember you got to watch out for those sneaky punters they are deceitful as quarterbacks.

I heard that a brand new floor is now in the gym at Northern Nash and those wooden bleachers that have  been there since the gym opened in the 60's have been removed and replace by those modern plastic one's like at Nash Central and Rocky Mount.

I have done several games on the radio or TV from that top row and a short person with a bad knee like me have many times struggled to take a step to the next seat up making my way to the top.  The past few years I have been on the stage more which is much better than navigating those old wood bleachers.  Can't wait to see the inside now.

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