Saturday, July 4, 2015

Today We Celebrate We The People

July 4th, 1776 the congress of the United States agreed to the writings of Thomas Jefferson and it was called the Declaration Of Independence.  It was read publicly on July 8th, 1776.  It was an announcement of the American people that they would no longer live under the rule of England.  Those fore fathers fought for to give our country freedom.  Since then many have died defending our freedom.

During the Cold War in the late 50's or early 60's Nitika Khushchev told the American people that America would topple from the inside out.  It has taken nearly 50 years but his prediction gets closer every day.  A document in 1776 base on religious  freedom gets closer and closer everyday to be a mockery of the foundation of our country.

Our country has gone social media crazy.  If I were to ask a generation under thirty five years of age who the Vice President of the USA is they would not know.  If you asked them who the Lt governor of North Carolina is they wouldn't know.  This generation are the people electing people to office and they have no idea what the politicians stand for.

They also are the generation that has no idea about the word of God.  They smother their bodies with tattoos after the word says honor your body it is in the image of God.  We all have become the me generation.  I will do what I want to do regardless of the right or wrong of it.

Somewhere our country has lost it's way.  We no longer have leaders who believe in God.  They have allowed the basic principles to fall by the wayside.  Everyday that we let slide another principle's collapse  we lose just a little more of the Favor in the eyes of God.

As we celebrate our 239th anniversary of the Declaration Of Independence we the people if we want to celebrate the 300th have better turn back to our fore fathers wishes.  Bring God back to the forefront of our lives.  Without him the United States Of America is slowly  becoming a non factor in the world because our citizens are all about me instead of God.

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