Saturday, August 15, 2015

For Carolina The Hole Gets Deeper

If you thought the Carolina Calmity was getting closer to resolution and just maybe their response to the NCAA was coming soon, Carolina announced that they have discover more violations in Women's basketball and men's soccer.  Is their any sport program at North Carolina that has not been caught cheating any where on campus?

I hate to have to say this but just maybe this discovery made about corruption at Carolina just maybe the worse in NCAA history.  SMU received the so called death penalty in the 80's and the scope of the goings on in Chapel Hill make SMU look like amateurs.

The NFL preseason is underway and seems as if all the games are being played in Half empty stadiums.  No wonder why should any fan be forced to buy two home preseason game tickets as part of your season ticket package.

The games are played with starters playing mostly under ten plays and the rest of the game played by players living a dream not expecting to be any where near a professional field a month from now.  Some will make it and to just be on a special teams will earn a half million dollars.  The only people who watch after the starters leave are family members of those players trying to make the team.

Year before last NC State had three starting quarterbacks starting in the NFL.  This year Tarboro High has three players trying to make an NFL.  Takoby Cofield the 310 pound rookie from Duke is trying to make the Washington Redskins as a free agent.  Shaun Draughn is still playing special teams for the Cleveland  Browns and  Todd Gurley still trying to stay healthy as the number one pick of the Rams.

Cofield and Draughn are waiting for August 27th which is first cut day for all teams unless any teams says this guy is not what we are looking for and give you your walking papers on any day.  Todd Gurley does not have that type of worry.  All he is thinking about is staying healthy until the Rams say let's see what you can do and that just may not come until opening day.

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