Sunday, January 24, 2016

Hunkered Down

I have reached the age that I no longer cheer when the first flake falls with the anticipation that there will be no school.  Many of us punch a clock where we work and once we go home early the pay Check will be smaller the next time pay day arrives.

Having worked a half a day Friday like many I made a last minute run to the grocery store for the third time since Wednesday.  Once home I found my recliner where I have been since.  Whenever we have special weather Like a hurricane or in this case ice and snow I enjoy perched in my recliner to watch how life is all around us.

I am thankful that part of the modern world we can sit in one spot and have communications that can let me see what is happening all over the state.  If it is snowing in Durham  the storm is heading east then it is not stopping here anytime soon.  Have you ever looked at a map and realized that even though Highway 64 heads to Raleigh, Raleigh is southeast of Rocky Mount Durham is due west of Rocky Mount.

Around eight pm Friday night we were shook when one of the big limbs from the tree in our front yard came crashing down on our stoop and a few feet of our roof.  It is a rather large limb  but it snapped off from the base of the tree and split which it did not break Cleanly off.  We could not however go out our front door.We are thankful for neighbors who helped me drag it off the house Saturday.  We will be needing a chain saw on Monday to cut the limb down and get it cut up to find out if we have roof damage still cover with ice/snow.

Thank goodness for a good supply of movies once you tire of seeing the same scene for a break.  We either watched Chanel five or Say yes to the dress.  I can only take so much of that.  Funny thing about snow coverage.  Basketball and football coverage seem to be the biggest questions when people call their favorite station.  Is the Duke/State game still on?

Today we have Carolina basketball and two football games to watch and church is cancelled due to icy parking lots and sidewalks.  Even though I no longer like having to get out in ice or drive on the slick roads I do enjoy the change.  We get up go to work, when we get home most nights  have some place to be until bedtime.  I love the change of the routine.  About two days is all I can stand of this  sit around look out the window.  Sure will be glad to get back in the routine!

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