Monday, October 17, 2016

NCHSAA Relents

Depending on how much flooding you may have had in 1999 or 2016 if you flooded in 99 or 16 that will depend for you which storm was worse. 1999 Floyd hit in September so in some cases three non conference games were wiped out.  Matthew hit in October right in the middle of conference play and conference determine who makes the Playoffs so in football's case Matthew hit at the wrong time.

Since so many schools east of use remain closed because that school might be a shelter or roads to get to the school are blocked in all directions where you can't even get there yet. Many schools east of us may not go at all this week.  With all of this in mind the North Carolina High School Athletic Association has extended the football season one extra week which will now end on November 11th instead of the fourth.

Extending the season an extra week will allow the Big East to drop the three games in eight days format which was schedule to start this Friday night.  The games that were to be played on the 25th will now be played on Thursday night November 10th.  This will create the natural finishing games every season the Northern Nash at  Rocky Mount, Southern Nash at Nash Central and Hunt at Fike they now be the next to last game of the season.  It also eliminates that Rocky Mount at Southern Nash the game everyone expects to determine the conference champion will not be the third game in that eight days.

The Big East football will now finish the season on November 10th with these games Rocky Mount at Hunt, Fike at Nash Central and Southern Nash at Northern Nash.  The football seedings will come out on the 12th and the first playoff game on the 18th, second round 25th, third round December 2nd, fourth Round 9th and the state championship 16th and 17th one week later than scheduled.  Because the sites were not schedule for the 16th and 17th the state chsmpionship sites are up in the air right now.

There is a major schedule conflict by moving the state championships to the 17th.  That is the day the North Caroina/ South Carolina Shrine Bowl game is scheduled.  It really is not much of a problem for most of the players who will play in the game because most will already be knocked out of the playoffs and will be available for the game.  If you are scheduled to play and your team is in the state championship games which one would you want to play in.  I would suspect 10 to 15 players on the North Carolina roster could be effected that day.

Women's Tennis indivual playoffs will start with regional starting in October 21st and 22nd.  The State chsmpionship will be October 28th and 29th..  Team first round starts Oct 25th-November 1st- November 3rd, a Regionsl Nivember 9th and State championship Nivember 12th

Volleyball seeding will come out on the 25th, first round October 26th, 2nd round October 27th, 3rd November 1st  fourth November 3rd and State Championship Nivember 5th.

Soccer seeding November 3rd.  First round November 5th, 2nd round November 8th, third November 10th, 4th November 12th and regional November 15th and state chsmpionship November 19th

Cross Country playoffs are as regularly scheduled.

Should your school make it all the was to state championship  football game is basketball who may start season without their full team.

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