Friday, June 10, 2011

We All Need To Serve

There was an article in Sunday's Telegram talking about parents and Grandparents who follow after their children on the ball field.  The hard core parents have traveled thousands of miles on weekends  and during the week in the endeavor.

Along the way I run across some very dedicated people who support other families as well as their own.  Wednesday night walking out of the ball park I talked with Bill Reece who follows his grand son through out his athletic life whether it has been on a little league field, Babe Ruth or at Northern Nash.  He was there  without a grandson on the field he was there just to enjoy the game.

Baseball despite what all the expert analyzers say is a very good sport to socialize.  You can sit beside someone and talk between pitches and not worry about the first row standing up which leads to everyone else having to stand just to see.

You can get just as high on a ball game as any drug made and the consequence after the game is the enjoyment of talking about it to others that were not there.  Whether alcohol or drugs there is a point that you need it again where as I can talk about last night's game for three days until I can get to another one.   Baseball is a good habit to have.

Up in the press box I keep a score book, run the scoreboard and announce player names.  Every time I pronounce a players name wrong  every mother knows I did and tell me about it most of the time. When I came down from the box Wednesday Bill was right there when I started walking and we had a nice conversation heading to our cars.  You know at Nash Central it is a rather long walk.

Bill always thanks me for supporting our kids and he said to me that he heard a  visiting parent say the other night about the Rocky Mount PA man.  I thought as he was saying, this oh boy here it comes  somebody ripped me about something I said about their child.'

"I don't know what church the PA man preaches at but when you come to a Post 58 games he prays better than any one else".

I don't know if I ever received a better compliment in my life.  Unlike the  school system where they are scared to say anything that might insult someone on any issue they stay in the middle which upsets everyone.   The American Legion believes God comes first.  Not only is there  a prayer before the game but each and every player pledges to be good sports while they play the game. 

I think this is my sixth year as the PA man for Legion ball.  It makes life simpler for the PA man to pray while introducing the players.  It is a tall  order to walk up to the top of the football stands  pray and then head back down.  Most need to catch their breath when they make it to the top. 

I enjoy sports so it is not a drudgery for me to sit in the press box not only be a part of  the game but enjoy the action as it unfolds.  To be able to think some words that I might have said that came from my heart actually may have helped someone else at that moment makes it all worth while.

We all need regardless of what Faith you claim to serve.  I have been asked many times in my life why do you do it.  I do it because there is enjoyment  and a high  you receive being around others.  The old saying "It is better to give than receive".  There is so much satisfaction in giving.  There is a line in the Jaycee's  Creed  that says.  Service to Humanity is the best work of life.

See ya at a ball game !

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