Sunday, September 27, 2015

We Live In A It's Not My Fault World

The recent happenings that two high school players attacked a game official while a game was in progress in Texas is another example that our world is in deep trouble.  The reason supposedly was that that official use racial comments to those players. The aftermath has brought forth that an assistant coach encouraged the players to attack the official.  The other team involved says that no racial comments were heard by them during the entire game to either team.

This week the assistant coach has resigned his job after admitting that he told the two players to attack the Ref.  It is my opinion that that coach should be banned from every associating with high school people ever again.  If he is a class room teacher he should be fired  because that is no way for a person responsible to  teach our children  should teach.  To me this is a lifetime offense never to even teach again.

The players action deserves some type of punishment maybe to the point of banning them from playing any sports for the rest of the school year.  These two players were 15 and 17 and whether they know right from wrong they are old enough that they should. 

Sports has all kind of rules that try to make the game as fair as possible.  Jumping across the line too soon to get an advantage over the other team.  Blocking a player in the back when he is about to tackle your player.  Any time a player violates one of those rules they are punished with a penalty.  This assault on the official goes beyond breaking the game rules but is an act that is  criminal.

We have come to the point that you can no longer tell someone that his mama  wears army boots  like it was in my day.  We have come to the point in America that if you claim it to be so  then it is ok to opening destroy anything.  Now that all the facts are in on Ferguson Missouri and evidence is there that the police officer was assaulted in his car with the victims blood, we now live in a society that we now have every reason to burn the town down regardless of the truth.

We now live where everyone wants to be a victim  because if I am a victim then I can do anything I want and get away with it. 

Right up to this point I have never seen the coach, players or ref involved other than hearing accounts of the attack on radio.  I don't know what the truth is but I do know we live in a world today that truth no longer matters as long as I can play the victim.  I would really like to know what the score of the game was at the time this assault took place.  I bet they were losing the game.

Our world is falling apart and I think we can all think when it started to happen.  When God was taken out of the schools we have now raised three generations of children that don't know who God is.  They have never opened a bible and seen the truth and when you have no knowledge of right and wrong you will always do wrong first because that is easier to do.  I would almost bet that the coach is of these three generations.  If so we have in place a society where right and wrong will be  less important.  That does not lead us to a very promising future.

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