Thursday, July 21, 2011

I Wonder Whether Tiger has Night Mares?

Yesterday Tiger Woods announced on his web site  that he was firing his long time Caddie Steve Williams.  Somewhere along the way he failed to call Steve up or even have a personal meeting with him to discuss it.  He lets Steve and the world know about  it at the same time.

Earlier this year Tiger changed his golf coaches  and of course the same method of action occurred.  There was no personal meeting or a telephone call,  just a public notice given on his Web site  and Hank Haney needs to find another cash cow.

I think there is a simple answer to why all of a sudden Tiger Woods has  become the King Of  announcements  on the Web.  You know the last time that he had a private meeting with someone face to face, eye to eye that being his wife she took a nine iron to his head and if there has ever been a person fall off the mountain it is Tiger Woods.  So Tiger probably has dreams running from a wife weilding a golf club.

Wouldn't you after having an experience like that be a little a  leary  of what Hank  Haney could do to him with a driver if you told him he was fired.  You know Hank Haney knows how to play golf  so he would know how to use a driver and where it could do the most damage.  So Tiger sure wants to stay away from Hank.

Wouldn't you think that as little as his itty bitty wife was with one club that Steve Williams could  really do damage  to  him if he was face to face telling Steve he's fired, since he knows how to carry all of them.  There  is one thing for sure that Tiger is not.  He not Donald Trump. 

Good athletes have their yes men that hang with them, maybe friends in high school who follow along just waiting for Tiger to drop a crumb.  Every thing they say, yes Tiger you are  so cool dude.  I have a feeling Hank and Steve maybe have told Tiger what he needed to do to turn it back around and that answer was not the yes Tiger as they have done in the past.  Tiger at his apex  was the #1 known person in the world.  He was no ordinary athlete.  He has lost all confidence with life that the only people he wants around him is his yes Tiger people.  Remember now they are there for the crumbs not to help Tiger.  Those that suggest change your ways are thrown to the side.

 Have you heard of Tiger being out in the public any where?  I think he is under a doctors care for a trauma known as nine iron neuro knok  me over the head syndrone.  He is afraid to go out in public fearing someone will hit him with a nine iron.  This is a fairly new trauma.

Has anyone seen him lately.  He is in disguise wearing this goatee.  He must think he is in the witness protection plan afraid of being attacked by a nine iron.  He looks like he has been on a ten day drunk.

As a doctor of opinion I think Tiger  is in real trouble now that he has been knocked off his perch.  He has no idea how to deal with anyone face to face, eye to eye.  He has become a Joe Blowe.  No better than any of us.  If he can't  deal with us on a daily basis how is he going to make a putt to make the cut.    He is going through this denial  that he is been such a super hero for so long he can do it by himself.  It would not surprise me if he isn't the next Howard Hughes.  A recluse for life.  Done with golf and the world.

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