Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Rest Of The Story

My favorite news man of all time Paul Harvey use to do a five minute program on radio and he would tell you things about famous people or events that you probably had no idea happened to go along with that event or that famous person.  I have one for you today.

Mid week I told you that Xavier Macklin and the Vermont River Monsters season was ended when they lost in the semi finals to Auburn New York.  We told you then that X finished the season batting 230 and quite frankly after the first month at the rate he was playing this was a disappointment. Now the rest of the story.

What nobody knew was The X man fouled a ball off his ankle when he was hitting about 340 and he started his slide while trying to play with his injury.  The A's are so impressed with his performance before the injury that they are sending him to Arizona for winter ball .  If everything works out during the winter, X will be sent to AA ball during spring training. There is more to this story.

As a 12th round draft pick X doesn't have a baseball check coming when he is not playing so where might you find him around Rocky Mount while he waits  to go to Arizona?  Try Jammy's Used Cars out on highway 43. The X Man is going to be a handy man for Jammy.  Those of you that know anything about local baseball get the connection right?  Jammy was one of Xavier's coaches while playing Babe Ruth and I am sure other places too.  If you stop by X might wash your car or try to sell you one.  Check out his baseball card that Jammy has of the X Man

There is still more to this story;

Brian Goodwin has been sitting  for almost a month when the Washington Nationals called and said we want you to go to Auburn New York  their team  in the New York Penn League and workout with the team while they are in their playoff run.  Auburn is the Nationals affiliate and for those of you that don't know where Auburn is, it is near Syracuse. Brian was not eligible to play for Auburn during the playoffs so he was there to workout with the team.  Auburn is playing Vermont in the playoffs and Brian flies  to Burlington Vermont to meet the team  and who do you think picks him up at the airport?  None other than  his  former Babe Ruth teammate Xavier Macklin who plays for Vermont.

Auburn knocked Vermont out of the playoffs Saturday a week ago and finally lost to Staten Island this week for the New York Penn Crown.  Two kids from Rocky Mount trying their best to be baseball players.  Former teammates just about every where but high school.  Xavier from Nash Central High  and Brian from Rocky Mount high School.  The old saying we went to different high schools together.   Friends for life.   And Now You know the rest of the story.


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